4 Things You Need to Do to Boost Your Real Estate Business Online

The internet has transformed the way people do business. Yet, there are still many industries that continue to rely solely on obsolete marketing practices. Real estate is a prime example of this apathy. If these businesses do not want to be left in the lurch, it is high time to make the move to a playing field where your customers actually are.

Real estate suffers from the apparent clash of thought where traditionalists believe modern tech has no part to play in an industry where no one makes a purchase without seeing the “product” in person. While they are not altogether incorrect, there is a major oversight with this line of thinking. Most buyers spend some time online to research before deciding which realtors they want to approach. A good website and presence on social media together offer any real estate business the chance to attract these potential buyers. There are plenty of real estate companies that are yet to realise the potential that the internet and online marketing presents. There is an almost untapped resource just waiting to be tapped so you can get ahead of the competition while they still contemplate the advantages of expanding their horizons.

However, in this day and age, a generic website is not enough with some mundane content and stock photos just won’t cut it. A website is a part of a larger online profile you need to establish. The process requires commitment and continuous effort to stay on top of a search results page. This may seem like an unnecessary expenditure but the results are well worth it. To help you get started, here are the top 5 things you need to do to boost your real estate business when you take it online.


  • Have an Attractive Website: The real estate sector is no stranger to the importance of the first impression that great looks can have. This concept translates well to how you do business online. Your website is a reflection of your company and its design and looks is the first impression you make on potential customers. A visually appealing website with attention to ease of navigation and use must also offer real value with its content. The visitor will pay attention to what you have to sell only if your website grabs their attention and compels them to stay. The way a website looks and feels has a major impact on how you are perceived online.

  • Hire a Content Writing Firm: A visitor will only consider doing business with you if you offer high-quality content in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Great content is what will help convert your visitor into a buyer. A content writing service can provide real estate SEO-oriented content that will get the most traction on the various search engines. These have algorithms that display search results based on keywords that match the user’s search query. If your content has the right keywords and matches other criteria, the search engine will favour your URL in the search results. You will be able to attract organic (unpaid) traffic to your website that is looking for the services you provide. If these visitors find high-quality content on real estate on your website, they will browse through your website and possibly be willing to consider you as their realtor.

  • Work with a Real Estate SEO company: Your online marketing strategy should be focused on providing maximum value to your target audience. And it is better to leave this task to the experts. Hire an SEO company that understands the real estate sector. It is essential to remember that SEO for real estate is considerably different from SEO service for e-commerce sites or SEO services for IT companies. Industry-focused SEO offers better results as compared to regular or general SEO strategies. They will guide you as you set up your website. More visitors end up on your website, finding you easier on search engines as well as other sources. How you use such services to market your website or products is up to you. For optimal results, ensure that you utilise the best marketing platforms and consider the wide range of options available, including social media. Speaking of which…


  • Social Media Interactions: Social networking sites have transcended from just being sites to connect with old friends. Legitimate business promotions made on social media have given customer outreach a new meaning. It is important to have a strong presence on major social platforms without having to resort to plastering promotional content and ads. You have to post relevant and “catchy” content to get the attention of potential customers. It is also crucial to interact directly with customers and address their concerns and queries. In addition, general interaction helps encourage them to engage with your company. It builds a strong bond between you and your customers, fostering trust and reliability – both of which are crucial in the real estate business.

Remember to keep your potential buyers in mind when you build a website for your real estate business. They will want to see you as a progressive business that is willing and capable of delivering more than what your competitors can. Soon, it will be commonplace to incorporate emerging technologies like VR into a website to create virtual tours and give your customers a look and feel of projects that are still on the drawing board. In fact, the first steps towards such major groundbreaking transitions are already underway. This can undoubtedly also help bring on investors for your business. When you combine advanced tools with a reputed real estate SEO company, you will be able to build a strong brand online and grow your business.

This post originally appeared on our earlier website: ihusresearch.com